Varicose Veins

What are Varicose Veins?

Varicose veins are the purple and blue color visible veins on legs and feet. It occurs when the valves in the veins stop functioning, the blood flow stops. Generally speaking, it’s not harmful unless it is painful and starts bleeding resulting in blood clots.

In some severe cases, the veins split and form ulcers on the top of the skin. It warrants a trip to a varicose vein specialist in Bangalore who can guide you for the next preventive steps.

Stages of Vein Diseases

If you have been experiencing negative symptoms and putting them off for treatment, it might reach another fatal stage. As the disease progresses, the symptoms deteriorate. However, for every individual, the symptoms differ. It is recommended to contact a varicose vein doctor in Bangalore who will aid you in determining the root cause and stage of the disease.

Below mentioned are the stages of the varicose vein disease that you might notice.

Spider Veins – Spider veins are the web-like veins of thin blood vessels located on the surface of your skin. It looks clustered and scattered in purple lines. The spider veins are flat-looking and do not bulge under the skin.

Varicose Veins – If left untreated, it can get serious and hamper daily activities. One can notice a swelling, tingling sensation, itching, pain, and heaviness in the Leg.

Leg Edema – As the disease progresses and is left without any medical intervention, it can become Leg Edema. The symptoms increase throughout standing for hours. One can experience itching, cramps, and restlessness in the legs.

Skin Changes – When the leg veins stop functioning, the body does not take in the fluids necessary for the body. Alongside, it brings swelling to the legs, which also results in skin discoloration, mostly around the ankle. The skin starts turning up red or pale.

Leg Ulcers – These leg ulcers often result due to skin discoloration and insufficient blood flow, which does not offer nutrients. It heals at a very slow pace. The leg ulcers turn chronic and unbearable due to the open wounds. Since it’s open, the chances of getting infection also increase.

What are the Causes of Varicose Veins?

The primary reason for the occurrence of varicose veins is the weakened walls of the veins. The increase in blood pressure in the veins causes it to expand. As it expands, the valves in the veins stop functioning gradually. Due to which there is no blood flow or pools up at one point in the vein.

There are multiple reasons for valves and vein walls to weaken.

  • Hormones
  • Excess Weight
  • Aging process
  • Standing for long periods
  • Tight clothing
  • Family history
  • Pregnancy

What are the Symptoms of Varicose Veins?

The most common symptom of varicose veins is the blue or purple veins that form like a clot beneath the skin. Here are the symptoms one can observe:

Bulging Veins: Unlike the normal veins, the condition causes the veins to twist and bulge under the skin. It has a purple or blue colour tone. It can develop in clusters on feet and legs.

Heavy Legs: Your legs might feel heavy, sluggish, and lethargic. It will bring a pause and tiredness, especially after indulging in physical activity.

Itching – The constant urge to scratch your legs around the varicose veins

Swelling: You might experience swelling and muscle cramps under the knees. Many times, one can feel the constant throbbing pain.

Skin Discolouration: Varicose veins can cause discoloration on the skin. It can be dangerous. Hence consulting the varicose vein doctors in Bangalore will take you forward in the right direction.

Who is likely to get Varicose Vein?

Anyone can develop varicose veins. However, certain factors play an essential role in causing the defect.

Age – As you age, your valves and vein walls weaken down. It loses its elasticity and gets stiff.

Gender – Female hormones can stretch the vein walls. Women trying to conceive, consuming birth control pills, or menopause may have a higher risk of getting varicose veins due to hormonal change.

Lifestyle – Standing or sitting for a longer period will reduce blood circulation. Wearing tight and uncomfortable clothes for the sake of fashion can slow down the blood flow.

Obesity: If you have excess weight, the pressure on the blood vessels increases.

How are Varicose Veins Diagnosed?

A medical professional can easily diagnose the varicose veins lying on the surface of the skin. Sometimes doctors conduct a physical examination to understand veins and give the conclusion.

Healthcare professionals also suggest opting for a round of ultrasound. It will show the evidence of blood clots and the functioning of the valves.

What is the treatment of Varicose Veins?

The first step is that your doctor will assess you to see whether your symptoms are likely due to the varicose veins and to decide whether treatment of these varicose veins is appropriate for you ( This video will help you understand leg pain)

Treatment options include the following

Compression Therapy

Compression Therapy using tight specially measured medical stockings can provide relief of symptoms. It is essential that the appropriate size be worn and that the stockings be worn during the day hours. Your doctor will advice you regarding the correct sizes and pressures that you will require.

Endovenous Ablation therapy

Endovenous Ablation therapy- by this method the leaking and damaged blood vessel is closed off using a laser or Radio Frequency Catheter that is placed inside the damaged blood vessel through a small injection the leg. This may be combined with micro-phlebectomy or sclerotherapy. Micro-phlebectomy is the method by which the large bulging veins below the knee are removed through tiny cuts. This is required only if you have very large bulging veins. Some patients are suitable for sclerotherapy where an irritant liquid is injected into the damaged blood vessel to block it.

Glue therapy

Glue therapy- a procedure by which cyanoacrylate glue is placed within the damaged blood vessel to block it. The procedure can be done through a single injection. Unfortunately, some patients may develop a late allergic reaction to the glue that can be troublesome.

Your doctor will discuss and advice regarding what would be the most appropriate method for you.

Compression Stockings

A varicose vein specialist can prescribe you to wear compression stockings. It squeezes your veins and prevents the blood from flowing backward.

Vein Surgery

In vein surgery, the doctor will tie off the defected vein and prevent blood from gathering. In severe circumstances, the surgeon may remove the varicose vein.

Endovenous Treatment

The Endovenous treatment is similar to laparoscopic surgery or also known as keyhole surgery. The professional surgeon will use a thin tube called a catheter and insert it in the vein. The damaged vein gets closed off with the laser.

International Publications on Venous Disease Management

  • Contralateral deep-vein thrombosis in lliac vein stenting – Incidence, etiology, and prevention. Indian J VascEndovascSurg 2021;8, Suppl S1:11-7.DOI: 10.4103/ijves.ijves_54_21
  • Effect of deep vein stenting on healing of lower limb venous ulcers. European Journal of Vascular Surgery doi: 10.1016/j.ejvs.2014.04.031
  • Experience of on table modified standard catheters for directed arterial and venous thrombolysis. Journal of Thrombosis & Thrombolysis (2016) 42: 56.
  • Reduction Internal Valvuloplasty (RIVAL) is a New Technical Improvement on Plication Internal Valvuloplasty for Primary Deep Vein Valvular Incompetence. Journal of Vascular Surgery
  • Endovascular management of venous ulcer in a patient with occluded duplicated IVC & review of IVC development. Vasc Endovascular Surg. 2014 Feb;48(2):162-5. doi: 10.1177/1538574413510627. Epub 2013 Nov 12.

International Lectures on Venous Disease

  • Deep vein Endovenectomy-tips and tricks. International Union of Phlebology. Istanul, Turkey 2022
  • Complex venous interventions: Endovascular Asia, Osaka, Japan. Dec 2019
  • Assessing deep venous disease with non invasive imaging- Veins International .Meeting, London, UK March 2018
  • Hybrid procedures for venous disease- Veins International Meeting, London, UK
  • CVI in the obese – reflux or functional obstruction. ASVS , Singapore Oct 2016 Endovenectomy with iliac vein stenting- rationale and technique. ASVS, Singapore
  • Oct 2016 Management of deep venous occlusive disease. Asian Society of Vascular Surgery
  • Annual Conference, Hong Kong Sep 2014 Diagnosis and treatment of deep venous obstructive lesions. Asia Pacific Vascular
  • Symposium. Singapore May 2014 Endovascular recanalization of iliac veins: going beyond standard therapies of compression and varicose vein surgery. Vascular Society of Great Britain and
  • Ireland. Manchester. Nov 2012